Getting new furniture is an exciting experience. Watching your home slowly transform into a space that reflects your personality is an amazing feeling. According to Home Furnishings Business, nationwide furniture increased by 33% between 2019 and 2021. Most of these consumers likely opted for furniture delivery services. There are a few things you should do before the delivery arrives.
Moving heavy furniture with pets running around your ankles can be challenging and dangerous. Put dogs and cats in another room with the door closed during delivery. It's best to plan for your pets before the furniture arrives so the delivery men don't have to wait. You can devise a plan and quickly put the pets away when the truck arrives.
If you're replacing furniture, you likely have old furniture in the exact spot you want your new furniture. Make sure you move the old furniture out of the way. It's also a good idea to clean the area thoroughly. For example, if there is a lot of dust under your old couch, take the time to sweep the area before the new furniture arrives. This ensures all the delivery men must do is carry the furniture inside and sit it down. Having the space prepared makes the entire process seamless.
It's incredibly inconvenient to purchase new furniture only to discover it won't fit up and down stairs or through the doorway into the house. You may wind up having to send the furniture back. Instead, take the time to measure the door to your home and hallways to ensure the furniture fits flawlessly. It would help if you did this before purchasing furniture and the delivery men arrived. Measuring specific areas ensures you know the route the furniture delivery crew must take.
Envision the exact path the delivery guys will take when they deliver furniture and make sure it's safe. If it's winter, ensure plenty of salt is set out so no one slips on an icy driveway or step. Remove toys and clutter inside the house to prevent falls. Consider opening doors ahead of time to make the delivery process convenient.
Preparing for furniture delivery ahead of time makes the process go by quickly and without a hitch! Have a plan for your room, so we know where to put your furniture, and clear a path to make carrying furniture through the house safe. We offer furniture for living rooms, offices, bedrooms, and more. Reach out to Smoky's Furniture today or check out the rest of our site to see our fantastic furniture!
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